The Quest for Adequate Running Footwear, Scrumptious Human Dessert and Peace of Mind
Posted by THE COLLECTIVE in races, running, teleportation
To relieve ourselves from stress, WE decided to mimic the actions of human females WE have observed undergoing a similar situation. WE gorged on ice cream and went shopping.
The Collective was once again using the appearance* of the male runner WE recently assimilated. The same male runner who will serve as our "vessel" in competing at the Milo Marathon whom, for the purpose of identification**, WE shall call as Number 18 . A dimensional portal brought us in the middle of a grassy lawn along Bonifacio High Street. Our arrival was noticed by some children, their eyes wide, jaws hanging in disbelief. WE were equally perplexed when a human female approached us, apologized, and gently instructed the younglings that staring too long at strangers is "bad manners". WE gave our best rendition of a smile to the female, then slowly inched ourselves away.
Whilst trying to escape from the presence of the juveniles who witnessed our non-standard arrival, WE overheard them telling their mother that "He (Number 18) just popped out of nowhere like Harry Potter," WE walked a little bit more faster at that point.
Eventually, WE spotted a shop that piqued our interest. It was called Runnr [sic]. WE entered the store and inquired about the nature of a curious contraption that seemed like a cross between a conveyor belt and a vintage Babbage computer. It turned out to be a device that can analyze one's foot type, pronation, gait, and probably several other things if WE hadn't interrupted the attendant to ask what running shoe he can recommend for us. Being whimsical by nature, our attention span can be quite short at times. After some jogging done on the contraption, the attendant suggested a shoe that had thick lugs near the forefoot, WE think it was called "Isaac's". Alas, the Earth currency we possess were but English farthings from the Middle Ages. The attendant said they accept credit cards. WE replied that it was well and good that the store trades footwear for "credit cards", and that WE will return at a later time in possession of the aforementioned card.
Shopping, or to be more accurate, Window Shopping: Check.

Then for ice cream. WE wanted to have a green colored ice cream in a parlor at Serendra. The human female told us it was a pistachio flavored ice cream and that they only accept Philippine currency for purchase of the said dessert. WE confessed that WE are not in possession of dated human currency. She smiled and gave us a cup of pistachio ice cream. "On the house," she said, " for speaking in such a funny way".
Ice cream. Check.

The day ended with us, experiencing several other human abstracts that left us pleasantly confused.
WE still need to have those specific cards to trade for the Isaac's running shoes. Any suggested course of action for the acquisition of said cards will be very much appreciated by The Collective.
To the ice cream Lady, WE are forever indebted to you for your act of kindness
Run Strong and Prosper!
*WE can take the physical form of beings WE've previously assimilated.
**Having a "hive-mind", WE only have one identity. Number 18 is merely the form of a human with XY chromosomes that we usually assume in running-related situations.